November 14th, 2017 marked the annual and nationwide AMC 8 competition with one of many test locations being hosted in Irvine, California by the Orange County Math Circle. For many students across America, math at school is more than enough. However, for over 200 young math enthusiasts all over Southern California, the AMC 8 was the perfect opportunity to put their mathematical wits to the test, and the pristine moment to show the world their arithmetic might. The American Math Competition for 8th graders, more commonly referred to as just the AMC 8 is the annual 75-minute, 25 question competition hosted nationwide to test the brightest students across the country. Many participants have been studying diligently in preparation for the exam as many of them will be ineligible to take the exam next year. Although the exam is targeted for 8th graders, the exam consisted of a huge plethora of brilliant mathematicians, some of which who are only in the 3rd grade. Results, whic...